Geotechnical Consultancy
This requires a thorough phased Site Investigation, which can be Geotechnical, Contaminated Land or a combination of both. For all Site Investigations Phase 1 is a detailed desk and pre-acquisition study to understand the site’s history, geology, hydrology, setting, proposed use and any associated risks, which are thoroughly assessed.

Our engineering team has a diverse range of skill sets, geotechnical experience and knowledge. Our One Team culture means engineers advise and mentor across projects to ensure the best possible outcome for you.
What our clients say

Seaward Properties have worked with Ground and Water since 2020 on many of our current and future projects. They are proactive in finding solutions with difficult ground conditions whilst balancing the need for best price options. In the last year they have worked on approx 10 projects for us and produced clear and concise reporting to help secure discharge of planning obligations, environmental health restrictions and to aid future planning works in the form of winter GWM and BRE soaks testing. Thank you to the team at G&W for their ongoing valued support and expertise.
Andy McKeown
Seawards Properties