Geoenvironmental Core Services
Other or associated core Geoenvironmental services include:

Anticipated Ground Condition and pre-acquisition studies, risk assessments and advice
We can provide Anticipated Ground Conditions reports and pre-acquisition studies. These reports can be tailored to your specific needs but generally provide geotechnical and geoenvironmental advice prior to commencement of your potential project.
Chemical Laboratory Testing
We offer chemical laboratory testing services, which will help you to identify any contamination present in the ground and groundwater. Typical tests include metals and semi-metals, hydrocarbons and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in both soil and water. Soil samples are also screened for the presence of asbestos.
Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment
When investigating potentially contaminated land, a standardised risk assessment process is carried out to identify potential pollutants and assess their risks where necessary. A Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment (GQRA) falls into Phase 2 of this process and may be required where a contamination risk has been identified in Phase 1.
Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment
A DQRA is typically undertaken on sites which are geologically and/or hydrogeologically complex. It is used to collate detailed site-specific information, in order to refine the risk understanding within the pollutant linkages or to develop site-specific assessment criteria to be used within the risk assessment or remediation, including testing for the presence of asbestos in soil.
Ground-Gas Risk Assessments
Hazardous ground-gases are often found on sites resulting from human activity. However they also occur naturally within the environment. Ground-gas risk assessments establish the level of risk, inform the requirement for gas protection measures and also rule out their unnecessary use.
Volatile Vapour Risk Assessments
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) include hydrocarbons and organosulfur compounds. VOCs can occur as a component of ground-gas originating from historically contaminated ground, spills and leaks from industry, commercial or residential properties, land-fill and from naturally occurring sources. Volatile Vapour Risk Assessments should be undertaken in conjunction with Ground-Gas Risk Assessments.
Gas Membrane Verification
Should gas protection measures be required, there is a requirement for them to be independently verified in line with CIRIA C735.
Groundwater Risk Assessments
The groundwater risk assessment is used to evaluate the potential for a pollution linkage associated with controlled waters and to consider the level of risk through a phased approach, up to a Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment. We can also undertake phased groundwater risk assessments for new human or pet burial and cemetery sites.
General validation
Remediation is only as good as the validation. Ground & Water can carry out a General Validation to obtain sign off of remedial work.
Whether you need help and advice, or just want to find out more about our extensive range of services; we’d really like to hear from you.

Geoenvironmental Case Studies
At Ground & Water, we are continually taking on new projects. Each has its own unique set of circumstances, requiring our engineering team to pool its skills and experience to deliver workable, sustainable and often holistic solutions, for our clients. Our case studies are examples of some recent challenges we have overcome.